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Salam Aidil Fitri 2011- Mohon maaf Atas Segala Kesilapan dan Terkasar Bahasa

Salam Aidil Fitri al Mubarak 2011... Slideshow: Azierahman’s trip to Chengkau (near Seremban), Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia was created by TripAdvisor. See another Seremban slideshow. Create a free slideshow with music from your travel photos.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

If you don't listen to your doctor, listen to your tailor...

Penyelidik Universiti Texas mengesahkan saiz pinggang menjadi petanda utama penyakit jantung berbanding berat badan berlebihan. Malah ukuran pinggang yang dikategori ‘masih boleh diterima’ iaitu 81 sentimeter (32 inci) bagi wanita dan 94 sentimeter (37 inci) bagi lelaki juga mempunyai risiko untuk mendapat penyakit jantung.

Ini kerana lemak yang terkumpul di kawasan pinggang didapati lebih aktif kerana ia merembeskan protein keradangan yang menyumbang kepada pembentukan aterosklerosis (plak kolesterol pada dinding salur darah) - dan akhirnya boleh membuatkan salur darah tersumbat.

Selain penyakit jantung, pakar perubatan juga sependapat saiz pinggang melebihi 88.9 sentimeter (35 inci) bagi wanita dan 101.6 sentimeter (40 inci) bagi lelaki juga boleh mendekatkan mereka dengan kencing manis.

Kajian ke atas 2,744 individu dewasa itu turut mendapati bentuk badan ada kaitan dengan penyakit jantung kerana penambahan beberapa inci saiz pinggang boleh meningkatkan risiko kerosakan salur darah di jantung walaupun mempunyai berat badan dalam julat normal.

The researchers measured waist size, waist-to-hip ratio, waist-to-height ratio, and B.M.I., or body mass index, a weight-to-height ratio. All four measures were associated with heart disease, but waist circumference alone predicted heart disease risk regardless of other measures. B.M.I. was a significant predictor in women only if they had a large waist size. The study appeared online April 7 in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure.

The researchers found that a four-inch increase in waist size was associated with about a 15 percent increase in risk for heart disease, both in people of normal weight with a B.M.I. of 25 and in the obese with a B.M.I. above 30.

Sumber Artikel : Metro Online & New York Times


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Diikat sebelum ditembak

Kenapa aku masukkan artikel ni dalam blog???kerana waktu kejadian, aku sedang berkursus di hotel ni...

SUNGAI PETANI: Rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) menunjukkan tiga individu menaiki lif lalu menuju ke bilik mangsa menjadi bukti penting bagi polis dalam siasatan kes pembunuhan kejam seorang lelaki di sebuah hotel di Taman Sejati, di sini, petang semalam.

Mayat mangsa, Mohd Nasir Ishak, 35, ditemui pekerja hotel yang mahu mengemas bilik kira-kira jam 1.30 tengah hari dalam keadaan berlumuran darah dipercayai akibat ditembak di kepala manakala kaki dan tangannya diikat pada katil.

Ketika mayatnya ditemui, mangsa hanya memakai seluar panjang dan tidak berbaju serta tubuhnya dalam posisi mengiring di atas katil dalam bilik yang terletak di tingkat tiga hotel berkenaan.

Mangsa yang berasal dari Perlis, mendaftar masuk di hotel itu seorang diri petang kelmarin, namun gagal mendaftar keluar sebagaimana sepatutnya, menyebabkan pekerja hotel berkenaan diarah mengemaskan biliknya.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kedah, Asisten Komisioner Mohd Zakaria Ahmad berkata, pihaknya menerima panggilan kira-kira jam 1.30 tengah hari daripada pengurusan hotel berkenaan lalu bergegas ke tempat kejadian.

Katanya, siasatan mendapati mangsa ditemui mati dalam keadaan berlumuran darah di kepala, manakala tangan dan kakinya diikat.

“Mangsa hanya memakai seluar panjang dan tidak berbaju ditemui dalam keadaan mengiring. Pemeriksaan lanjut mendapati ada kesan tembakan pada jarak dekat di bahagian kepala mangsa menyebabkan dia mati di tempat kejadian.

“Polis masih menjalankan siasatan untuk mengenal pasti motif kejadian kerana mendapati tiada kesan pecah masuk pada pintu bilik, selain tiada kesan diselongkar, manakala barangan peribadinya tidak hilang,” katanya ketika ditemui di tempat kejadian, di sini.

Berikutan itu, polis tidak menolak kemungkinan mangsa diserang oleh orang dikenalinya. Mohd Zakaria berkata, berdasarkan pemeriksaan CCTV hotel berkenaan, polis mendapati tiga individu menaiki lif lalu menuju ke bilik mangsa.

“Polis juga menemui Perodua Viva berwarna putih yang digunakan mangsa di tempat meletak kereta di hotel berkenaan,” katanya.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Amazing replica : San Francisco Bay

In all its glory: Rolling Through the Bay by Scott Weaver is nine foot tall and contains more than 100,000 matchsticks. It features a number of marble runs that take ping pong balls on 'tours' of San Francisco

It has taken 3,000 hours and 34 years to make - but the results are incredible.

Artist Scott Weaver has created a huge but incredibly detailed model of San Francisco using 100,000 toothpicks.

The work entitled Rolling Through the Bay also doubles as a marble run. Ping pong balls dropped on several ramps at the top of the model follow several 'tours' through the city.

They pass matchstick replicas of sights such as Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf, the Golden Gate Bridge and the city's trademark terraced houses on steep hills.

Incredible detail: The huge sculpture features the trademark houses of the area, left, and the Palace of Fine Arts, right, which contains a model of artist Scott Weaver's heart made from matchsticks thrown by guests at his wedding instead of confetti

Labour of love: A battleship in San Francisco Bay - just part of the model which took 34 years to make


SAN FRANCISCO, Amerika Syarikat (AS) - Seorang artis, Scott Weaver membina replika Teluk San Francisco setinggi 2.7 meter dengan menggunakan sejumlah 103,987 pencungkil gigi, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.

Hasil kerjanya yang dinamakan Rolling Through the Bay itu turut berfungsi sebagai laluan guli.

Guli yang dijatuhkan di atas laluan itu akan bergerak melalui beberapa tempat popular di lokasi berkenaan.

Dia mengambil masa selama tiga ribu jam untuk menyiapkan model Teluk San Franciso yang kini dianggap sebagai antara hasil seni yang menakjubkan.

Sumber artikel : Kosmo Online Dunia & Daily.com


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hotel untuk Si Mati...Ghoulish Hotel

It's the place where your mourning relatives can check you in when you check out of life - a real Heartbreak Hotel. Nestled away in suburb of Yokohama in Japan, the bizarre inn looks much like any other of the city's small lodgings. But this is no normal hotel, it is a hotel for the dead.

Room with a view: A staff member at the Lastel hotel in Yokohama, south of Tokyo, attends to one of the guests

The 18 guests are all corpses, tucked up in refrigerated coffins for 12,000 yen ($157) waiting their turn for one of the city's overworked crematoriums. Yet unsuspecting young couples still come knocking at night, looking for a place to stay.'We tell them we only have cold rooms,' owner Hisayoshi Teramura said.

Mr Teramura is cashing in on death which has become a rare booming market in the stagnant Japan economy. Last year, 55,000 more people died than the previous year and over the past decade, an average of 23,000 more people have died each year in Japan. In 2010, according to government records, 1.2 million people passed away, giving the country an annual death rate of 0.95 per cent compared to the global average of 0.84 per cent.

YOKOHAMA: Ia adalah tempat di mana saudara-mara menempatkan anda apabila anda sudah tiada lagi di dunia ini. Terletak di pinggir bandar Yokohama di Jepun, hotel berkenaan kelihatan seperti hotel penginapan kecil lain di bandar raya itu. Namun demikian, ia bukan hotel biasa, tetapi hotel untuk orang yang sudah meninggal dunia. Semua 18 tetamunya adalah mayat yang diletak dalam peti sejuk mayat dengan harga 12,000 yen (RM476) menunggu giliran di salah satu tempat pembakaran mayat di bandar raya itu.

Hisayoshi Teramura memperoleh pendapatan melalui kematian dan kini pasaran untuknya semakin melonjak di tengah-tengah kelembapan ekonomi Jepun. Menurut rekod kerajaan, pada 2010, kira-kira 1.2 juta orang meninggal dunia, mencatat 0.95 peratus kadar kematian tahunan bagi negara itu berbanding kadar purata sedunia iaitu 0.84 peratus.

Kadar kematian tahunan dijangka meningkat kepada 1.66 juta pada 2040 berikutan sejumlah besar generasi dengan kadar kelahiran tinggi negara itu lupus. Waktu itu, populasi Jepun mungkin menurun pada kira-kira 20 juta orang, kadar kematian yang tidak pernah berlaku dalam sesebuah negara sama ada akibat peperangan atau disebabkan oleh kebuluran.

Namun, walaupun dibelenggu masalah ekonomi di negara itu, rakyat Jepun masih berbelanja besar untuk upacara pengebumian. Rakyat Jepun masih mebayar secara purata 1.2 juta yen (RM47,731) untuk bunga, bekas abu mayat, keranda dan perbelanjaan lain pengebumian - dua kali ganda yang dibelanjakan rakyat Amerika untuk pengebumian setahun. Teramura yang mengasaskan syarikat perkuburan Nichiryoku, berkata: “Terdapat permintaan di pasaran.”

Di Yokohama, purata tempoh menunggu untuk tempat membakar mayat lebih empat hari, menyumbang kepada permintaan yang tinggi bagi rumah mayat sementara seperti Lastel.

“Jikalau tidak, mereka perlu menyimpan mayat di rumah yang pastinya tidak cukup ruang

Sumber Artikel : Metro Online & Daily Mail UK


Monday, September 12, 2011

Gam Anak Pada Dinding

DALLAS: Seorang kanak-kanak berusia dua tahun kini koma selepas ibunya didakwa melekatkan tangannya pada dinding dengan gam dan memukulnya kerana kencing merata.

Elizabeth Escalona, 22, berdepan dengan tuduhan mendera kanak-kanak selepas dia didakwa mengheret anaknya sekeling rumah di Dallas dan menderanya.

Tindakan itu menyebabkan kanak-kanak itu mengalami pelbagai kecederaan termasuk pada otaknya.

Kanak-kanak itu, Joselyn Cedillo kini bergantung pada mesin penyambung hayat di hospital.

Berdasarkan laporan polis, glu dan cat diletakkan pada tapak tangannya menyebabkan kulitnya menggelupas teruk.

Seorang anggota keluarga memberitahu wartawan, kanak-kanak itu juga mengalami patah tulang, calar-balar dan kecederaan di kepala.

Elizabeth dikatakan mengheret anaknya sebelum menggam tangannya pada dinding sehingga berdarah.

Dia kemudian memukul perut kanak-kanak itu dengan jag susu, menendang dan memukulnya lagi dengan kasut dan tali pinggang.

Mother Accused of Toturing Daughter

DALLAS - A two-year-old girl is in critical condition in the hospital and her mother is charged with torturing her and inflicting the damage that put her there.

Police said the abuse started with a frantic call from 22-year-old Elizabeth Escalona to her mother, saying something was wrong with her two year old daughter, Joselyn Cedillo.

When the child's grandmother got to the home she could see just what was wrong. The little girl was unresponsive.

A relative tells News 8 the child had broken bones, bruises and head injuries. The grandmother and other relatives desperately tried to help Joselyn and rushed her to Children’s Medical Center of Dallas.

“We just know we picked up the baby and she was hurt," the child's aunt told News 8.

According to police records, Joselyn suffered greatly.

According to police reports, Escalona dragged her daughter by her feet from the kitchen area to another part of the apartment. She then glued her child’s hands and stuck them to the wall until they bled. She then allegedly hit the girl in the stomach with a jug of milk, kicked her in the stomach and beat her with a shoe and a belt.

“Yeah she was extremely bruised," the aunt said. "She had a head concussion, she had a broken leg and broken ribs. We don't know how it happened, but she was covered in bruises."

Police said numerous people say they'd seen Escalona inflict pain on the child in the past. Now, the little girl may have extensive brain damage and countless injuries.

"She was a good kid," the aunt said. "She's playful like any other kid. Spoiled and she's like a little princess."

Police said the torture began because the little girl soiled in her pants, and this was her punishment.

Dallas police child abuse detectives arrested Escalona for injury to a child. Child Protective Services has taken custody of Joselyn and three other siblings.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Giant Saltwater Captured in Philippines

Manila, Philippines : Villagers and veteran hunters have captured a one-ton saltwater crocodile which they plan to make the star of a planned ecotourism park in a southern Philippine town, an official said Monday.

Mayor Edwin Cox Elorde of Bunawan township, Agusan del Sur Province, pretends on Sunday to measure a giant crocodile that was captured by residents after a three-week hunt.


Friday, September 9, 2011

In Saturns Shadow

The plutonium powered Cassini-Huygens spacecraft began exploring Saturn and its moons in 2004 and it will continue to do so beyond 2010. As the probe's mission was extended through the Saturnian equinox -- when the gas giant's tilt lines its equator up with the sun -- it was re-named "Cassini Equinox" in 2008.

WASHINGTON - Satu imej planet Zuhal yang mengagumkan berjaya dirakamkan oleh kapal angkasa lepas Cassini-Huygens, lapor sebuah akhbar kelmarin.

Menurut seorang ahli astronomi, Robin Canup di Institut Penyelidikan Barat Daya di Boulder, Colorado, imej tersebut mengagumkan kerana bahagian malam Zuhal kelihatan bercahaya akibat lantunan cahaya gelang yang terdapat di sekelilingnya.

Kapal angkasa Cassini-Huygens merupakan projek usaha sama melibatkan Agensi Pentadbiran Aeronautik dan Angkasa Lepas Kebangsaan, Agensi Angkasa Lepas Eropah dan Agensi Angkasa Lepas Itali.

Ia dilancarkan pada 1997 dan akan terhempas di planet Zuhal pada 2017

Article and Image Source : news discovery.com dan Kosmo Online _ dunia


A unique business requires a very special home and Virgin Galactic will have just that at Spaceport America in New Mexico.Organized into a highly efficient and rational plan, the Spaceport has been designed to relate to the dimensions of the spacecraft. There is also a careful balance between accessibility and privacy. The astronauts' areas and visitor spaces are fully integrated with the rest of the building to convey the thrill of space travel. The more sensitive zones - such as the control room - are visible, but have limited access.

Visitors and astronauts enter the building via a deep channel cut into the landscape. The retaining walls form an exhibition space that documents the history of the region and its settlers, alongside a history of space exploration. The strong linear axis continues on a galleried level to the 'superhangar' - which houses the spacecraft - through to the terminal building.

Designed to have minimal embodied carbon and few additional energy requirements, the scheme has been designed to achieve the prestigious LEED Gold accreditation. The low-lying form is dug into the landscape to exploit the thermal mass, which buffers the building from the extremes of the New Mexico climate as well as catching the westerly winds for ventilation. Natural light enters via skylights, with a glazed façade reserved for the terminal building, establishing a platform for the coveted views onto the runway.

Article and Image Source : www.virginiagalactic.com


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Jumpaan Dinasti Zhou di Luoyang, China

LUOYANG, China – Beberapa ahli arkeologi telah menemui rangka tulang kuda dan pedati kayu di sebuah makam Dinasti Zhou di sini, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam. Usia rangka tulang kuda dan pedati itu dipercayai hampir 3,000 tahun.

Sebanyak lima pedati kayu dan 12 rangka tulang ditemui di dalam makam tersebut. Ahli-ahli arkeologi percaya makam itu milik seorang pegawai terkenal pada zaman itu.

Archaeologists excavating in Luoyang, the capital of Henan Province, China, have uncovered an intact tomb including the remains of five wooden chariots and 12 horses. The remains have not been carbon dated yet, but bronze and ceramic grave goods buried with the horses and chariots date to the early Zhou dynasty (1045-256 B.C.).

Although no coffin nor human remains were found, the quality of the grave goods, inscriptions on the pottery and on the bronze weapons indicate that the person buried in the tomb was someone of middle-ranking social and political standing. The horses’ gear and chariots had elaborate fittings, some of them gilded as well.

The horses were in all likelihood killed before burial. They were positioned carefully on their sides in the vertical earthenware tomb. Had they been buried arrive (and live burials of slaves and stock were not uncommon in Zhou China, or in its predecessor the Shang Dynasty), they would have been standing and the bones not so tidily arranged.

The tomb was discovered during construction work for a new hospital in the east of Luoyang City. Right now the chariots and remains are in situ being kept constantly moist courtesy of a guy with a hose. There are some pictures of the bronzeware and ceramics found in the tomb here, and more of the guy with a hose here.

Article and Image Sources : Kosmo Online and The History Blog


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