The USBTypewriter is a new and groundbreaking innovation in the field of obsolescence. Lovers of the look, feel, and quality of old fashioned manual typewriters can now use them as keyboards for any USB-capable computer, such as a PC, Mac, or even iPad! The modification is easy to install, it involves no messy wiring, and does not change the outward appearance of the typewriter (except for the usb adapter itself, which is mounted in the rear of the machine). So the end result is a retro-style USB keyboard that not only looks great, but feels great to use.
After learning about the design on this page, please visist my etsy page -- I have some very beautiful USB Typewriters for sale there, as well as DIY kits for those who want to make their own. You can also use etsy to contact me about custom work.
The USB Typewriter™ and Typewriter Dock™ are trademarks held by Jack Zylkin. The project was developed at Hive76 in Philadelphia. No product bearing this name or description can be marketed without his consent. The design is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike Non-Commercial License, and all design documents used in making USB Typewriter hardware and software can be found on this website. You may use and modify this design for free, so long as you attribute this website as your source and do not sell your creations for profit. The software design is based on the open source Arduino microcontroller platform, and can be modified using the Arduino IDE. It also makes use of the ArduinoUSBProject developed by RancidBacon.com. Any copies, improvements, or derivations of this design must attribute their creation back to this website. iPad is a registered trademark of Apple inc.
All content on this site is Copright 2010 by Jack Zylkyin
would love to know where and how much did you buy the typewriter from in malaysia.. am very interested to purchase one for a reasonable price..kindly provide me with information.
much appreciated
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