Dengan kehadiran teknologi yang semakin canggih dan terkini anda dapat menjalankan sendiri pemantauan kesihatan terhadap tekanan darah.
Perusahaan Start-up Withings, Perancis telah mengumumkan produk baru yang disebut sebagai iPhone pertama di dunia yang boleh memonitor tekanan darah dengan pemantauan pengukuran secara online dan melakukan penyimpanan.
Dengan monitor Tekanan Darah Withings, pengukuran dan penyimpanan hasil tekanan darah anda menjadi lebih mudah. Semua data dicatat dan disimpan ke ruang penyimpanan online dan pengguna dapat mengakses dan mengetahui tekanan darah mereka melalui iPhone, layar iPad atau gadget lain dengan interface yang dihubungkan secara user-friendly interface.
There’s no doubt that the iPhone is one of the most versatile mobile devices around, along with the iPod Touch and iPad, the trio of iOS devices have found applications in pretty much every industry – from art to photography to education; you’re bound to find an iOS device being used in some way or another. One of the most important the iOS devices have been able to find success in is the medical field. From being used as surgery aids, to reference manuals, there are pretty much apps for everything.
Withings, a French company, recognizes this and has decided to add one more function the iOS devices: by turning them into blood pressure monitors. The company has come up with a blood pressure cuff that can plug directly into any iOS device. With the use of an app (available free from the App Store), users are able to obtain blood pressure readings from the cuff. Stats can be saved and recorded for comparison, and even emailed out to your doctor or sent to personal sites like Google Heart and Microsoft HealthVault.
While the app is free for download, unfortunately the cuff which is required for the app to work is not; you can purchase it for $129.99. The Withings Blood Pressure Monitor is also FDA approved, so that should dispel any doubts you have about the device. Find out more about the Withings Blood Pressure Monitor.
PENGISIAN ......1.
Selama ada masa yang telah berlalu meninggalkan den, sedar tak sedar sudah
lebih dua tahun berlalu....ini bermakna sudah selama itulah den
bersara..... men...
6 years ago
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